April 9, 1865 Appomattox Courthouse

A land rattled by the loud bursts of cannons, and the stinging sound of blazing gunfire. A country separated by land, people, and most importantly ideals. A nation torn apart, just to be kept together. Civil War broke out between the people of the United States, countryman fought against countryman, brother against brother, all over the ideals that separated them. This war, the bloodiest in American history, was a long conflict between the northern and southern states over a variety of issues but was keenly focused on state’s rights. With the south attempting to succeed from the Union, and the north giving its best efforts to keep them procured the battles broke out throughout the country. These battles soon became a war with President Lincoln and the Union Army on one side, and Jefferson Davis and the confederate military on the other. After four long, troubling years, the war finally came to an end after Petersburg was captured by Union forces, and the Confederates could no longer financially withstand fighting the war. So, with their forces depleted, land torn apart, and their treasury bare the Confederate forces, led by Robert E. Lee, were forced to surrender to the Union army and their lead general Ulysses S. Grant.

This is the Appotomax Court House where General Robert E. Lee surrendered his forces to General Grant ending the Civil War.


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